10 Game Of Thrones Characters That Nobody Actually Cares About

"I wonder what Stannis is up to," said no one, ever.

By Sam Hill /

As one of TV's most popular and acclaimed TV shows, Game of Thrones remains both interesting and fascinating because it contains some of the medium's best and most compelling characters: Tyrion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Cersei Lannister (all the Lannisters, then), Jorah Mormont, Arya Stark, Littlefinger... and many, many more. But Game of Thrones is made even more curious because it also manages to be an immensely popular TV show that happens to feature a large number of characters who people want to like but can't quite convince themselves to, such as Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen, and lots of characters who it's hard to feel anything for at all. Which is to say, Game of Thrones functions amazingly well when you consider that a large majority of its major players are about as interesting to watch as sacks of potatoes with faces painted on them - most of whom prompt sighs of total indifference whenever the show decides it's time to go back to see what they're up to. Here, then, are 10 characters from Game of Thrones that nobody is really all that bothered about; live, die or disappear from the show entirely, who honestly cares?