10 Greatest Netflix Original TV Shows

Netflix and Thrill...

By Chris Haydon /

Each and every month, Netflix subscribers are now treated to brand-spanking-new programming, available only via the online streaming service. From a business perspective, this is quite frankly genius; ensuring the growth of the audio-visual platform by providing exclusivity to its custom. From an audience perspective, it is even better. Embracing the notion of the 'binge-watch', Netflix unveils an entire season as opposed to weekly episodes, so we can gorge on all that fresh goodness at our own leisure. The company have even taken a step further recently by entering the feature-length market. Currently available is a large selection of original documentaries, stand-up comedy, and even a motion picture, Beasts of No Nation, highly-tipped for Academy Award nominations come next February. With their original shows taking a similar leaf from HBO's book, audiences are offered the very best in small screen entertainment, and as the international profile for the service grows, so does the production quality. The most recent offering is Aziz Ansari's (Parks and Recreation) heartfelt and hilarious comedy Master Of None, which serves as a kinder, more humane version of Curb Your Enthusiasm if you will. The much-anticipated Marvel's Jessica Jones is set to debut on 20th November too. In celebration of the show - and indeed the service - we reflect on the ten greatest Netflix Original shows currently available for your viewing pleasure. From blind superheroes to sisters in cells, scathing politicians to international drug barons, there are few creative stones unturned, so grab some snacks and a duvet, and get ready to say "just one more"...
