10 Huge Moments In Doctor Who That No One Cared About

Sometimes huge things happen in the Whoniverse and end up meaning absolutely nothing.

By Tom Howson /

As the series tries to progress since its debut in 1963, Doctor Who has had its fair share of huge moments. With 15, so far, actors taking up the mantle of our titular Time Lord, each Doctor goes through their own adventures adding to their incarnations personal stories, as well as the larger story of the Time Lord and those around them.


Everyone has their own personal favourite moments, but some events are literally entrenched within the DNA of the show. Huge moments in Who include, first landing on Skaro, the Doctor's exile on Earth in the War Games, fighting the Time War and the Fall of the Eleventh on Trenzalore, all having lasting consequences for the Whoniverse and the characters within it.

But sometimes, these huge moments don't stick. We bare witness to so many revelations in one story, but by the following week it has meant very little and any development is unwritten, forgotten about, or simply replaced by something totally different. So here are '10 Huge Moments in Doctor Who That No One Cared About'...

*For the sake of consistency, this list is limited simply to TV series, so no expanded media additions*

10. The Doctor, Lord President Of Gallifrey

This is a tricky one. Lord President of Gallifrey is the highest level of office among Time Lord society, and once or twice the Doctor has found himself raised to that position.


In the five classic stories including Gallifrey, starting with the Deadly Assassin, the Doctor goes from running for President, but declining at the end, to coming back the following season to take the role to defeat a foe, before returning in his next incarnation to find he is no longer President, to then being offered it again in the 20th Anniversary later that year, but still runs from the responsibility. The Doctor makes one final in return to Gallifrey, in Season 23, where the Sixth Doctor is met by the line "since you willfully neglected the responsibility of your great office, you were deposed", resetting this moment once again.

So whilst this does pop up on and off in the classic era, and is touched on in Hell Bent, the Presidency of the Doctor is never actually explored (besides in the odd expanded media story, Hello Big Finish!). It's a thread which comes and goes when the Doctor revisits Gallifrey, depending on the story and writers.

The Doctor as Lord President is a big deal, but never seems to carry any weight or lasts beyond a story. Surely President Doctor would make a great storyline if fleshed out beyond one outing? (Although that maybe a little tricky now...)
