10 Major Unanswered Questions From Classic Doctor Who

26 seasons, yet they still didn't answer everything.

By Mikey Heinrich /

There's absolutely nothing unusual about a television show presenting more questions than it gets around to answering. Genre television is particularly prone to it (just ask the Lost viewership...) and the longer a show runs for, the more unanswered questions it's going to leave in its wake. That's just the way the cookie crumbles. As such, it's safe to say that if a show runs for 26 seasons, it's going to leave the occasional plot thread hanging. Sometimes these questions only come to light many years later when new information about the Doctor, the TARDIS or the universe in general was revealed and made some of his earlier decisions seem a bit dodgy. Sometimes they're the result of production staff wanting to make a quick change as expediently as they can and damn the consequences. Sometimes they're simply the result of sloppy writing/producing and there's nothing you, they or anyone can do to deny that formidable fact. And sometimes, they're a zesty blend of all three. That said, these are the questions that... well, probably aren't keeping you up at night, but it would still be nice to get a couple answers now, wouldn't it? Expect some spoilers for the original series circa 1963-1989, if you haven't gotten around to watching all of it yet, in our countdown of 10 unanswered questions from the Classic Series. Answers, my dear, and it seems not a moment too soon...
