10 Incredible Ways The Simpsons & Family Guy Could Cross Over

Bear with us, it's about to get nutty...

By Chris OMalley /

What a time we live in. It is like the geek Age of Aquarius, where all the pop culture planets are aligning, to take us hurtling towards a bright new dawn. Sure there are reasons to be cautious, but there also reasons to be thoroughly optimistic. What with Batman and Superman about to meet for the first time on the big screen, Star Wars Episode VII rolling at this very moment, Marvel going from strength to strength, and interesting, long-in-development properties like Preacher and Sandman pushing forward, there is literally no better time to be of a geeky persuasion. Before we get to indulge ourselves on all that though, we get to see the biggest Cartoon Crossover in history, when the two worlds of Quahog and Springfield come colliding together. We can only speculate on how this 'Clash of the Toon-Titans' is going to come about, but what follows are ten mind-bending ways the worlds of Groening and MacFarlane could finally fuse together.