10 Most Cringeworthy Doctor Who Moments From The 70s

From Axos to Zeos, Doctor Who serves up more cringeworthy moments in the 1970s.

By Tony Whitt /

As much as we may love Doctor Who, especially the Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker eras, it's not surprising that there are moments in '70s Who that we wish we could forget. In our previous, more general list of cringeworthy moments from the show, we listed things like Tom Baker's incredibly over-the-top performance as he's being attacked by monsters in Nightmare of Eden, but if that were the worst of it, we'd probably accept it and get over it quickly enough. But there's worse to be had. Much worse. You would think that most of the entries on this list would be Tom Baker-centric, given that, while he's one of the most versatile and convincing actors to ever play the part, Baker is also the closest to being insane of any actor to play the part. Sometimes that insanity boils over into the story, with predictable results. And yet the moments on this list have as much to do with things the writers should not have done, or other actors chewing the scenery, or even the design team making some very bad choices indeed. And speaking of one of those bad choices...