10 Most Disappointing Death Scenes In Game Of Thrones
Not every character in Game of Thrones received the ending they deserved...

Game of Thrones contained many outstanding death scenes during the course of its run. Even people who didn’t watch the show couldn’t avoid hearing fans discuss the latest death of a major character.
However, given how many significant death scenes there were, it was inevitable that some of them would be disappointing. Indeed, the expectations became so high as the show wore on that certain deaths were never going to satisfy everybody.
In particular, the eighth season received a lot of backlash from fans. Despite some fantastic visuals, music, and performances, the last six episodes were spoiled by a mediocre script.
Though Season 8 was undoubtedly the weakest, there were several other disappointing death scenes in the earlier seasons as well. Interestingly, the common factor amongst all of these deaths was that none of them were adapted from George R. R. Martin’s published novels…
10. Stannis Baratheon

Stannis was an unusual character. He wasn’t charming or likeable, yet there was certainly something admirable about his direct dialogue and brash efficiency.
Sadly, his reputation was ruined somewhat after he agreed to burn his daughter alive. Still, such an interesting and well-established character deserved a much better death scene.
Though it was fitting for Brienne to be the one to end his life and avenge Renly, seeing Stannis slumped up against a tree with no means of resistance was a poor way for him to exit the show.
It would have been far more satisfying and entertaining if the two of them had undertaken a genuine swordfight. Sure, it probably wouldn’t have been as thrilling as the battle between Brienne and the Hound in the previous season, but it would have been a much better end for Stannis than the one we got.