10 Most Disappointing Series Finales Of All Time

The end has no end..

By George Koutsakis /

Watching any series is an investment of your time. Sure, a twenty-minute episode here and there isn’t much, but when you have ten seasons to watch, each comprising of over twelve, forty-minute episodes you can expect to spend a considerable amount of time in front of a screen.


So, imagine the disappointment that comes when you realize that a show you have been following religiously, due to its great premise and characters, didn’t even take the time to give you a satisfying, appropriate ending.

Some series did it right. Breaking Bad gave fans closure in a pleasing way, and Mad Men delivered a suitable ending with new hope for the main character, Donald Draper, we all knew and loved. There are great endings that make us happy, mediocre endings which fans shrug off while trying to remember the best moments of the show, and then there are horrible endings. Ending that are bad enough to take away from the rest of the series, and come to mind wherever you think of that show you once loved.

Okay, perhaps I’m being a tad dramatic but judge for yourself. Here are the most disappointing series finales to have ever violated our screens.

10. Dexter

Dexter was a deep, interesting, unique series following a vigilante serial killer who killed only evil people and followed a code when doing it . Portrayed by Michael C. Hall, Dexter was a character fans couldn’t help but love, and we followed his story on the Showtime series for eight seasons, from 2006 to 2013.


In the fourth season, where John Lithgow brilliantly played a villain called The Trinity Killer, the show seemed to be reaching a close. But instead it continued on for quite a while after that, and even though the following seasons were lacking in some ways, us fans stayed true and kept watching, in the hope of a great, satisfactory ending. It never came.

The series finale was rushed and unsatisfying, showing Dexter living out his days as a bearded lumberjack in the middle of nowhere, hiding and, apparently, not killing anyone. Because suddenly killing was a choice for him? Sure we get that Dexter tried to have it all, indulging in his killing ways and having a normal life, so exiling himself might be seen as punishment. But the ending was slow and never gave fans the big close they were hoping for.

The Dexter finale is considered one of the worst of all time, which brought a great series to a boring close. Fans are still, to this day, hoping for a spin-off to get the taste of the bad finale out of their mouths, so let’s hope Michael C. Hall comes back for a few more seasons.
