10 Most Emotional Game Of Thrones Reunions

George R.R. Martin loves to pull them apart, but the real fun is bringing them back together.

By Audrey Fox /

Game of Thrones is basically a show comprised of the bits of action here and there in between heartbreaking (or heartwarming) reunions. And it makes perfect sense - it's out of necessity.


When you're playing a grand game of chess like George R.R. Martin is, you move all of your pieces around the board until they are inevitably brought back together again. But on Game of Thrones, reunions are rather a double-edged sword.

This is generally just because seeing their loved ones again makes characters happy, and when characters are happy in this universe they have the unnerving tendency to die quickly thereafter.

Any character on this show who seems like they're about to get what they've been wishing for (so any of the Starks, really) should sleep with one eye open, that's all we're saying. But despite the risk involved, it's undeniable that seeing these characters who have been torn away from their friends and family for ages finally reuniting is an incredibly cathartic and emotional experience for the audience.

Tears are shed, and there's no way around it. (Contains spoilers through all seven seasons of Game of Thrones.)

10. Jaime And Myrcella

The Baratheon children were doomed to tragedy by virtue of their birth, but while Joffrey was evil and Tommen was a pushover, Myrcella had potential. She seemed like a kind, normal, dare we say even smart young woman, so it was a shame when she was sent away to Dorne, and it was nice to see her back on the show when Uncle Dad Jaime journeyed across the sea to retrieve her.


It's clearly difficult for Jaime to deal with the fact that although he is their father, he's never really allowed to acknowledge them as his own children, so it was actually really cute in this episode where he got to have a sweet father-daughter moment with Myrcella.

But of course, good things always have to come to an end, and as soon as Myrcella reveals that she has always known the truth of her parentage and Jaime gets to bask in the glow of fatherly pride, she dies, sudden and bloody, in his arms.
