10 Most Gut-Wrenching Buffy The Vampire Slayer Moments From Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Mom? Mom? Mommy?

By James Hanlon /

Buffy The Vampire Slayer may have aired its final episode nearly 13 years ago, but its cultural impact can still be felt today. Joss Whedon created one of the most rewatchable TV shows ever due to its incredible cast, innovative storylines and memorable moments.


During its 7 season, Buffy offered a plethora of emotional moments, a canyon of highs and lows. From Buffy dying twice, Angel departing to the show, to the numerous deaths that occurred throughout the series, there were few forgettable moments. Some of these moments left viewers in tears and it is arguably in these moments that the show really shone.

With that being said, let's open our Watchers' Handbook, go back in time and relive those events that really hit us hard. Get those tissues ready.

10. Giles finding Jenny Calendar's body

In the seventeenth episode of Buffy’s second season, fans were left with their first real taste of death on the show. After Angel lost his soul earlier in the season and became the villain Angelus, he kills fan favorite Jenny Calendar just as she finds the curse to restore his soul.


It served as a kind of wake-up call for audiences, showing that Angelus is someone not to be messed with and has completely lost his way. Giles and Jenny were already going through some hard times, after Giles finding out that she was sent here to watch over Angel and ensure his curse remained. This lie devastated Giles and their budding romance was quickly squashed. Finally feeling like things were going back to the way they were, it was devastating to see Jenny killed off so quickly.

What really hurt though, was how Giles found her. Walking up the stairs in his home to find candles, rose petals and romantic music, there was a glimmer of hope for our Watcher. To then find her lifeless corpse on display on his bed and watching the joy leaving Giles’ face, our hearts broke along with his.
