10 Most Heartbreaking Doctor Who Moments

The Doctor, the man who keeps running, runs from a lot of heartbreak.

By Danni Scott /

Doctor Who is one of the longest running shows on television. It encourages a lot of incredibly dedicated fans of all ages. Each fan has fond memories of their favourite Doctor and companions, with endless debates about who is the best. What everyone can agree on, however, is that this show will pull on your heartstrings.


Due to the changing nature of the show, and the constant change of not only the main character, but those around them there, are a never ending number of goodbyes. When it returned to our screens in 2005 with Christopher Eccleston as the enigmatic Doctor and Billie Piper as his companion, Doctor Who embraced its wild sci-fi plots but kept its human aspects. Since then there have been four more regenerations and twelve companions (not including many recurring characters and trusted allies).

There are so many moments in Doctor Who that are action packed and funny. The aliens and monsters range from laughably bad to downright scary, and even border on traumatising. However, the real reason fans follow this so avidly is the moments of humanity and heart that give the show its core.

These are the moments that made us not dive behind the sofa, but dive for the tissues.

10. Graham's Wife

We meet Thirteen's companion Graham O'Brien, portrayed by Bradley Walsh, as he is diagnosed with cancer and falls for his chemo nurse Grace. The two married after his cancer went into remission and lived with her grandson Ryan.


In Thirteen's first episode, an electric tentacled monster attacks a train which the family is on, but they are saved by the Doctor. After this, they take the Doctor to recover at their house where Grace discovers the Doctor has two heartbeats.

In a heroic act later in the episode, Grace faces the monster one last time, electrocuting it and saving everyone. However, the kickback throws her from the crane she climbed down to the ground. She dies in Graham's arms, telling him not to be afraid.

The episode moves to Grace's funeral where Graham gives a moving speech about her life, and revealing Ryan's video we saw at the opening of the episode has been about her, not The Doctor, all along.
