10 Most Heartbreaking Futurama Moments

If it takes forever, I will wait for you...

By Stacey Henley /

More than a lot of other cartoons of its era, Futurama managed to pack almost as many emotional moments into its 100+ episode run as it did laughs. Despite its outlandish plots and entire galaxies to explore, the show spent just as much time developing its characters as it did throwing weird and wonderful one-offs in the mix.


Though all of the Planet Express crew had some close examination, especially as the series wore on, it was leading duo Fry and Leela who got the most focus. Bender was a central character too, but one of the most endearing things about the criminal robot was how little he changed throughout, and how no matter what situation he's in he never learns.

Fry and Leela, however, showed huge growth through the seasons. They're not the only ones featured here (Bender himself even gets a look in), but they do make up the bulk of the entries. Some of these moments have that almost warm sensation as they break your heart, whereas others are just plain devastating. Make sure you have your tissues ready.

10. U Leave Me Breathless

In Love & Rocket, the Planet Express crew are tasked with delivering vats of candy hearts to Lrrr and Ndnd on Omicron Persei 8. However, the Omicronian leaders reject the gift, partially because of how unpleasant the chalky taste is, but mainly because the human concept of 'wuv' confuses and infuriates them. More so even than when Ross, the largest of the Friends, did not simply eat and digest the other five.


They're so infuriated that they chase Planet Express across the galaxy. This is further complicated by Bender, who decides to break up with the ship's AI because he likes a dump to be 'as memorable as it devastating'. Though they do eventually escape, the ship's AI goes rogue and decides she needs alone time with Bender.

This leads to her shutting off the ship's oxygen. Leela can get it back on, but her emergency tank is running low. Without telling her, Fry gives her his oxygen and passes out while looking for the perfect message on the candy hearts. As Leela revives him, he spits out one with the message 'U Leave Me Breathless'.

It couldn’t have been better, unless it had also been Valentine’s Day. What? It was? Hooray!
