10 Most Heartbreaking Futurama Moments

9. The Last Ending

Old Fry And Leela Futurama

Futurama really does endings well. Including the fourth movie, they've had four, with the movie's wormhole ending and penultimate season's overclocked Bender predicting the future perfectly serviceable sign-offs.

However, the time they ended for good was real tearjerker; and keep on the lookout for one more ending on this list too. A fitting end for a show that aped and then inspired so many sci-fi tropes, the final ever episode Meanwhile featured a popular science fiction theme: time travel. Fry jumps off a roof thinking Leela has rejected his proposal, but because he's been playing around with time travel, his watch is wrong and Leela is arriving right on time. Realising his mistake, he tries to time travel back to when he was on the roof, but gets stuck in an infinite falling loop, only stopping when the machine breaks.

This leaves Fry and Leela alone together in a frozen universe, growing old while time stands still. The professor, originally disintegrated by the time paradox, finds them and fixes the machine, but it will cause Fry and Leela to lose all memory of their life together. The pair embrace as Fry asks Leela 'wanna go around again?'.

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