10 Most Horrific Moments In Doctor Who

Just in time for Halloween!

By Tony Whitt /

Although it's been said many times, many ways: Doctor Who is not a children's programme. Or, at times, even a family programme, as the label tends to go these days. The main evidence for this perennial statement comes from the number of times the show has scared the living bejeezus out of not just children but adults. For those of us who grew up with the Doctor, there are certain moments that still carry a thrill of horror and remind us exactly what it's like to be a ten-year old cowering behind the sofa. The problem with lists like this - apart from their obvious subjectivity, which is always a source of annoyance in the Comments section - is that it's not always easy to stop. Once you've come up with the top 10, aren't there at least fifteen or twenty more that you feel should go on the list? How do you justify leaving the Haemovores (pictured above) off the list when there are probably adults who still have nightmares about them after seeing them for the first time in 1989? How can you account for that dropping feeling in your stomach that comes whenever you think of the animated dolls in Night Terrors, and why aren't they on the list? And are you really leaving the Weeping Angels off the list? (Yes, in fact, the answer to this last one is yes - the Angels get enough hype, thank you very much.) In other words, your mileage may vary a lot more than usual for this list, and your own personal list of horrors from Doctor Who may include things that we'd never have considered. (But how can you honestly be scared by anything in Hide? Really?) Tell us in the Comments section below about the moments from Doctor Who that still make you lose sleep, if we haven't included them here already.