10 Most Paused American Horror Story Moments

Discover which moments of this horror anthology series shocked its fans the most.

By Eduardo Barrios /

If you've been a fan of horror television in recent years, chances are you're all too familiar with American Horror Story.


American Horror Story is one of those series that knows how to deliver a fascinating and complex story without much effort. This is why it has become a favourite among fans. The anthological stories and characters are so well done that you don't need to be the greatest fan of the genre to like them.

If you've seen any of the seasons, sure, you’ve been speechless in many spectacular moments of the series, but you’re not the only one. Especially since this is a series full of plot twists, intricate development, unforgettable characters, and moments that left everyone gasping for air.

Whether due to the surprise factor, the explicit content or to try to confirm theories about the plot, these scenes made more than one pause their videos. Find out which were the moments that most impacted the fans of this incredible horror anthology.

10. Anne Frank Shows Up At The Asylum

The second season of this series goes around Briarcliff Manor, a mental hospital run by sadistic religious agents who use dangerous and experimental treatment in their patients. In the double episode in question, a woman who claims to be Anne Frank shows up at the Asylum.


Upon her arrival, she tells a convincing story of how she got there and accuses Briarcliff resident Dr Arden of being a Nazi doctor.

This whole plot might be a total delusion from a psychiatric patient. However, Franka Potente's performance makes us believe the story. At the end of it all, Dr Thredson rules that the woman, whose actual name is Charlotte Cohen, is just suffering from Postpartum Psychosis.

But when we get to see all of Anne/Charlotte's work to prove her story, we get to see a photo of a man who looks precisely like Dr Arden standing next to Hitler. This single image makes us wonder if the whole history was just Cohen's raving.
