10 Most Terrifying Locations In Game Of Thrones

No sane person would want to visit any of these Game of Thrones locations...

By Jacob Wilkins /

Game of Thrones brought George R.R. Martin’s world vividly to life over the course of 8 seasons. Viewers were treated to medieval forts and structures, lush vistas, crowded capitals, mighty pyramids, and a number of other great locations.


Given that Westeros and Essos were heavily inspired by real history, both continents were authentic throughout. This consistent realism bound the various climates and cultures together so that every location felt part of the same world. Even when the show was leaning more towards its fantastical side, the environment never lacked a sense of authenticity.

Whilst there were some stunning locations throughout the show, there were plenty of frightening ones as well. Both Westeros and Essos featured places of natural danger, but there were also areas of Martin’s world that were undesirable for other reasons. Indeed, the fantasy element in Game of Thrones opened the doors for a number of frightening creatures and places.

Consequently, Game of Thrones certainly wasn’t short on terrifying locations. As enjoyable as the show was to watch, it’s safe to say Martin’s world certainly wouldn't be a fun place to live in...

10. The Red Waste

Following the birth of her dragons at the end of Season 1, Daenerys and her entourage find themselves stranded in one of the least desirable places in Essos – The Red Waste.


There’s a reason the Dothraki fear to cross this vast desert. The heat and the absence of life or resources make surviving next to impossible. Starvation and thirst cripple Daenerys’ party as they desperately seek assistance from one of the surrounding cities. Even Jorah Mormont – her most trusted advisor – struggles to offer her any meaningful support inside The Red Waste.

Though Daenerys does eventually find relief in the city of Qarth thanks to Xaro Xhoan Daxos, her journey nearly ended far sooner than it should have done.
