10 Most Underrated Buffy The Vampire Slayer Scenes

These scenes from Buffy the Vampire Slayer deserve much more recognition...

By Jacob Wilkins /

Buffy the Vampire Slayer is an odd show. It’s a mixture of horror, fantasy, drama, and comedy that’s held together by exceptional characters, quirky dialogue, and plenty of thrilling plotlines.


The show’s unique identity is key to its popularity, and fans still love to talk about their favourite moments from the gang’s adventures in Sunnydale. Of course, certain scenes stand out more than others. The end of each season always features an unforgettable battle, and there are also some episodes – like ‘Hush’ and ‘Once More, With Feeling’ – that are packed with iconic scenes.

But there are plenty of other scenes that don’t get enough recognition. Indeed, some of the best moments involve simple yet compelling conversations between the central characters, touching upon themes such as loss, isolation, and responsibility. Other underrated scenes have a more relaxed and humorous tone, providing the audience with a healthy dose of comic relief.

Given how many episodes there are, underrated scenes aren’t uncommon when it comes to Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And whilst every fan will have their own opinion on the matter, the following scenes are undeniably brilliant.

10. Willow Kisses Oz (Season 2, Episode 15)

In the fifteenth episode of Season 2, the gang are kept busy by a rampaging werewolf. They soon learn that Oz – Willow’s new love interest – is the werewolf in question, and they manage to take him down with a tranquillizer gun.


The episode ends with an adorable exchange between Oz and Willow, and this scene is a great example of the show’s ability to merge the supernatural with the everyday. Oz talks about managing his condition, whilst Willow assures him that she still wants to go out with him.

Alyson Hannigan is particularly good here, delivering her lines with plenty of cutesy mannerisms. And just when you think the episode is about to end, Willow bounces back into view and exchanges her first kiss with Oz. It’s the perfect end to the episode and leaves the audience with a warm sense of satisfaction.

Whilst there are plenty of other Buffy scenes that include some cute dialogue (especially during the early seasons), the end of this episode is the most adorable moment in the show.
