10 Most Underrated Buffy The Vampire Slayer Scenes

9. Giles Teams Up With Spike (Season 4, Episode 12)

Giles has a tough time in Season 4. Following the destruction of Sunnydale High, he finds himself unemployed and without a sense of purpose.

His situation becomes even worse in the middle of the season when Ethan Rayne turns him into a Fyarl Demon. Giles is desperate to find help, but – most unfortunately – he can only speak Fyarl, and there’s only one person who can understand what he’s saying: Spike.

Despite their conflicting personalities, Spike and Giles have terrific chemistry during this episode. When they first encounter each other, they exchange some amusing dialogue before Spike agrees to offer some assistance for the price of $200. Their comedic partnership continues to entertain as Spike takes the wheel of Giles’ car and struggles to keep the vehicle under his control.

Though Giles and Spike have had plenty of conversations before, this spontaneous partnership maximises their offbeat chemistry. It’s just a shame it doesn’t go on for longer.


Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.