10 Nerdy TV Shows Coming In 2021

Be prepared to spend next year in front of your TV screens!

By Hannah Kenny /

With cinemas unsure of opening up again in the new year and productions halted to fit new guidelines, 2021 is highly anticipated when it comes to movie and TV content. New release movies may be joining streaming platforms to come out on time, but television can still go ahead just as planned once on-set production has been allowed to recommence.


From Marvel's move to the Disney+ streaming service meaning superhero content for the new phase will follow characters in new adventures on the small screens, to Fresh Prince of Bel-Air told in a dramatic retelling of the '90s sitcom, and renewed Netflix shows like Stranger Things and The Witcher coming back, next year is packing in as much as it can handle into the world of television.

Which of these shows are worth the wait, though? What are TV fans and nerds worldwide looking forward to the most? When will we finally get to see these new shows and how much do we know about them?

Here are just ten of the top nerdy TV shows coming in 2021 and what fans can anticipate from each of these small-screen offerings.

10. WandaVision

After the obvious delays with cinematic releases this year, Marvel Studios has seen a hiatus in its released content for those fans eagerly awaiting new and exciting plots to be introduced in the next phase of the MCU. After Avengers: Endgame, the company announced that we would be seeing the return of many deceased characters in their own branched-off adventures, with Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow film originally due for release earlier for this year.


With Marvel joining forces with Disney and the opening up of their exclusive streaming platform Disney+, the studios also announced that fans would be able to watch their favourite Avengers in new TV shows - with WandaVision kicking this off in January 2021.

Wanda Maximoff, aka Scarlett Witch, and Vision's new show is set to launch a new style for Marvel and bring in some surprises for Phase Four. Some aspects of the show have even been filmed with a live studio audience to enhance the promised sitcom style.

Recent trailers and promos seem to be showing a fantasy television world that Wanda has created herself, where she live alongside her deceased lover Vision, with dystopian dark elements slowly being revealed beneath the cracks.
