10 New & Returning TV Shows You Need To Watch In September

Summer is over, it's time to turn those TVs back on.

By James Hunt /

Rain, rain, go away, come back another day. More specifically, come back next month. We're still enjoying what's supposedly summer at the moment, which in theory means that it's time to be outdoors rather than stuck inside watching TV. However, broadcasters have made more of a shift towards quality programming from June-August, capitalising on the fact that people are watching more shows than ever before, and the weather tends to be rubbish. True Detective season 2 didn't capture imaginations the way season 1 did, but Mr Robot was a surprise hit and there's still hope Fear The Walking Dead will sate the need for zombies in our lives. Still, it's largely just a waiting period until fall season comes around, when all of the major networks (and now streaming services) roll out their big guns and shiny new toys. There'll be a host of new and returning shows coming in the next couple of months, with the likes of Arrow, The Walking Dead, and The Good Wife all slated to air from October. It's September that's in our immediate eyeline though, with a variety of exciting shows set to either start or come back for more, and these are the ones you need to be tuning into.