10 PERFECT Places To Start Watching Doctor Who

60 years of the Doctor traveling across time and space. But where should you start?

By Tom Howson /

Doctor Who is a show with 57 years of history, so to an outsider, that maybe a rather daunting for where to start after thirty-eight series. With fifteen incarnations now (plus some others, but we'll let you learn that for yourselves), Doctor Who has had many eras and iterations.


Whilst aspects such as the TARDIS and Daleks are pop culture icons, not everyone knows their vast history, and having to catch up on these different elements can be off putting.

So what does a new fan do? Hop into the show anywhere? Start at the beginning of a Doctor's tenure? Go back to the start in 1963? Well, any of those three ideas wouldn't hurt. The show maybe 57 years old, but it's still fairly assessable, with plenty of reboots, new concepts and recaps.

However, there are certain places of the Whoniverse which are PERFECT for starting your journey in the TARDIS. Places where the show starts a fresh and there is little overlap or dependance on knowledge from previous seasons/series.

So here are 10 PERFECT places to start watching Doctor Who...

10. The Woman Who Fell To Earth

The eleventh series of the revived era saw one of the biggest reboots in its history. The showrunner changed, the producers changed, the writers changed – in fact, pretty much everything changed.


The biggest change of all was Jodie Whittaker as the first female Doctor. New showrunner Chris Chibnall promised that this would be a good point for non-fans to get into the series, and he wasn't wrong – along with all the changes in personnel, Series 11 featured zero returning characters and villains, and largely abandoned connections to the show's history.

The series featured ten standalone episodes and little in the way of a story arc, meaning that anyone could jump in each week and follow along with ease. This, along with the lack of returning elements, meant that viewers needn't know anything about the previous 55 years of Who.

While this obviously makes it a good jumping-on point for newbies, the decision to disconnect from Doctor Who lore almost makes it feel like a different show at times. If you want a more quintessential Doctor Who experience, then there are better places to start.
