10 Plot Holes You Haven't Noticed In Stranger Things

Sometimes Stranger Things' plot gets a little Upside Down...

By Michael Patterson /


Stranger Things is, without a doubt, one of the most popular shows in the world right now.

The Netflix original series first made its presence felt back in 2016, when it really caught us all off-guard. Since doing so, it has enjoyed a tremendous amount of success, going on to become one of the streaming service's biggest hits and amassing a legion of devoted fans in the process.


Three seasons into its run, and it shows absolutely no signs of relenting. And if you take a moment to think about it, it's clear to see why it remains such a hit. With its thrilling plot, engaging characters and unique emphasis on nostalgia, Stranger Things is the perfect blend of genres and tones, using something old to give us something new - and it almost always succeeds in doing just that.

That being said, it isn't perfect. While the writing has always been of an incredibly high standard, quite a few inconsistencies and plot holes have raised their heads over the past few years - and no matter how much you try to understand them, they just don't make sense.


With that in mind, let's take a look back at some of the ones you probably didn't notice.

Please be aware, this post contains heavy SPOILERS for Stranger Things season 3.
