10 Reasons Why Bob's Burgers Is Better Than Family Guy

Wouldn't you rather celebrate Christmas with the Belchers anyway?

By Angus Castle /

Family Guy is one of the most popular animated shows around and has made a name for itself thanks to its unfiltered humour, crazy plots and screwball characters.


For years, Bob’s Burgers has often been perceived one of the lesser cartoon shows in today’s animated offerings, especially as Family Guy has frequently roasted the show for not holding up as well as theirs. And there’s no denying that Family Guy is more popular and successful than Bob’s Burgers.

However, despite their reputations, it might be time to consider that Bob’s Burgers is actually better than Family Guy in many ways. Sometimes, you just don’t want to be assaulted by the hard-hitting content of Family Guy and would rather sit through a more light-hearted offering that will no doubt always feature zany humour and funny characters.

Loren Bouchard's Bob's Burgers is one of the most unique, innovative shows of the modern era and has never quite been given the fanbase it deserves. Even though the first season was a little bit hit and miss, the sitcom eventually found its voice and has since been in full throttle, consistently providing us with heartwarming family moments, easy-going comedy and some very creative storylines.

10. Nicer Visuals

There’s a scene in the Family Guy episode “Seahorse Seashell Party” where Brian takes magic mushrooms and experiences a hallucination. This moment is filled with surreal, idiosyncratic imagery that is beyond disturbing and takes a complete gear change in the show’s usual tone. It is Family Guy at peak creativity.


Other than that, the animation is flat and uninspired, with much of the airtime being dedicated to elongated gags and live action snippets. The characters often just stand statically with very little movement in their face.

Neither shows are going to win an award for their art work, but the animators of Bob’s Burgers at least put some thought into the visuals. The characters are expressive, the backgrounds are detailed and the colours complement each other to create an eye-catching palette.
