10 Recent Netflix TV Shows You HAVE To Binge Right Now

The best recent Netflix shows that you can't help but binge-watch!

By Amy Rapeer /

Ahh the old binge-watching session… Nothing says ‘relaxation’ quite like collapsing onto the sofa with a blanket and a heart-attack-worthy quantity of snacks, and not moving for the next six to eight hours as you work your way through a series.


It may not be what society deems a ‘productive’ use of your free time, but who said you had to be productive? We’re all tired, worn down and miserable at the state of the world, so there’s no valid reason to deny yourself a good, solid block of televisual escapism.

There are plenty of incredible shows out there that just aren’t built for bingeing, so you have to select your series carefully. If a show is too long then it’s intimidating to start, too short and it’s barely a ‘binge’ because it’s over in about ninety minutes. You’re looking for the sweet-spot in between: those concise, eight-episode miniseries types, or series with just a couple of enticing-looking seasons.

Netflix is almost synonymous with the idea of ‘binge-watching’ and that is for good reason. Over recent years they’ve added to their site a whole load of absolute belters, so trust me when I say that there really is something there for everyone - you’ve just gotta give it a chance.

10. Love Death And Robots (2021)

Whenever a show has episodes that are just twenty or so minutes long, it’s hard to resist just letting them roll one after another until suddenly you’ve lost five hours and it’s the middle of the night. Love Death And Robots exemplifies this perfectly, with its anthology of kooky tales in different styles offering the perfect ‘accidental’ bingeing experience.


There is no set order to watch the episodes in as they are all self-contained stories. Of course they are all in some way linked to love, death and/or robots, but other than that they’re totally separate and unpredictable.

They are all made by a different cast and crew with different animation styles and tones - some being much darker and heavier whilst others are more comedic or lighthearted. It’s sort of like a lucky dip in that you never know what you’re gonna get but you know it’s gonna be good, and each short episode is guaranteed to give you something to think about as well as a great visual experience.

As of last year there are two seasons on Netflix (or as they call them, ‘volumes’) but hopefully this isn’t the last we’ll see of the series!
