10 Recent TV Adverts That Angered The World

And we're not talking that hilarious Skittles ad that your grandma really shouldn't ever see...

By Rachel Bailey /

In light of the petitions signed over the 'Are You Beach Body Ready? tube advert in London this spring, it seems fitting to take a look into other adverts which have caused outrage among the general public in recent times. Namely, adverts in television. It's not uncommon during a stint on YouTube to come across videos, with the title in capitals BANNED ADVERT. Obviously this is going to make you click on it (although on many occasions, this is just a way to get an advert seen by more people). With the chance to view 'bad adverts' now much easier due to social media platforms, criticizing them has also never been more doable, due the easy ability to post negative opinions on just about everything. And boy, do some people have anger issues out there. Remember the angst caused by the Red Bull ad, claiming it could 'give you wings?' Seriously, what were people expecting? That they'd be flying after two sips of the energy drink? The Advertising Standards Agency (ASA) must have a lot on their plate, with complaints coming in left, right and center over the smallest discrepancies. Still, there are some TV ads just are just downright offensive, ridiculous, and bordering on equality issues. Here are ten television adverts that angered the world.