10 Ridiculous Sitcoms You Won't Believe Ever Got Made

By JG Moore /

As a genre in television, the sitcom is in a nice little rut: it's main concern is families with bumbling dads and mouthy teenage kids, or wacky antics in an office somewhere. But some sitcoms are altogether more bizarre. On the one hand we€™ve got sitcoms that deliberately try to break away from sitcom conventions with different settings and characters like Red Dwarf. On the other hand, there are some sitcoms that miss the target of being unconventional by a wide margin and just end up looking... stupid. Here are 10 ridiculous sitcoms you won€™t believe ever got made.

10. All About Me (BBC One, 2002 €“ 2004)

What€™s It About? The domestic lives of Colin Craddock (Jasper Carrott) and his second wife Rupinder (Meera Syal in Series One and Nina Wadia in Series Two and Three). Why Is It So Ridiculous? I know I€™m running the risk of being labelled as bigoted old fart for saying this but: because it€™s far too politically correct. Not only are both Colin and Rupinder previously divorced, they both have children from precious relationships all of whom live in one house as well as Rupinder€™s teenage half-sister and a child of their own as of Series Two. Also, Rupinder€™s oldest son Raj is severely disabled and limited to communicating through a voice machine mounted on his wheelchair and it is discussed that Colin€™s youngest son Leo may have Asperger€™s Syndrome. This makes All About Me a story about an interracial family with previously divorced parents, a teenage aunt, and two disabled sons. It feels way too much like the BBC were putting their all into being recognised as modern and diverse. It shows and it really doesn€™t help the programme. On top of that, its dramatic elements are too frequent and overdone which makes them feel out of place.