10 South Park Fates Worse Than Death

Bringing hell on Earth or causing the apocalypse is just another day in South Park.

By James Egan /

Matt Stone and Trey Parker designed their cardboard cutout cartoon, South Park, to be as offensive as possible. It has aliens dishing out out alien probes, a teacher shagging a pig, and sentient poo doing Christmas sing-a-longs... and that's just the first season!


And, after 24 years and 300+ episodes, the Emmy-award winning comedy is stronger than ever. So, how has South Park managed to avoid going stale after being on the air for over two decades?

Well, when a regular show tries to be shocking, they usually kill off a character, but in South Park, that's not a big deal. Poor Kenny McCormick bites the dust in almost every episode. Luckily, the creators are inventive enough to devise scenarios far worse than dying.

Considering this quaint little town in Colorado has been invaded by extra-terrestrials, inter-dimensional beings, time-displaced humans, Pirate Guinea Pigs and Mecha-Streisand every fortnight or so, meeting your maker may be a blessing for some.

And when you are as spiteful and evil as Eric Cartman, it's not hard to believe he can cook up something far worse than death.

10. Being A Nazi Zombie

Being resurrected as a mindless undead creature that survives off the brains of the living is a terrifying trope in horror. But in the video game, South Park: The Stick of Truth, the creators made the concept of being a zombie all the more horrifying.


After a vat of alien goo infects the town of South Park, anyone who is exposed to it, dead or living, is transformed into a flesh-craving zombie. But the citizens aren't turned into ordinary zombies - they become Nazi Zombies!

The instant a person comes into contact with this extra-terrestrial ooze, they automatically turn into a goose-stepping swastika-sporting member of the Gestapo, who bark aryan rhetoric while devouring human brains.

This goo can infect any organism, including humans, gnomes, foetuses, bacteria, or cows. (It's extremely weird to see a cow wearing a Nazi artillery cap and quoting Hitler, even by South Park standards.)

Knowing that succumbing to the Nazi Zombie infection is a fate worse than death, the four boys have no choice but to kill anyone who comes into contact with it - for the infected person's sake as well as their own.
