10 Things You Learn Rewatching Game Of Thrones Season 3

Will the Dothraki do a 'Gendry'?

By Michael Potts /

Season 3 changed everything. The Starks were all-but-destroyed, and the fans' ability to truly love a character was severely tainted after the Red Wedding implanted the entire audience with trust issues.


It may seem an age since Robb was a legitimate contender in the world, Sansa was a King's Landing captive, and the Westerosi Robin Hood returned from the dead once again, but it all matters greatly going forward.

Season 6 looks like it could very easily return to a Northern focus, and if that's the case, you should really be digging out your Season 3 boxset and giving it a good run through. There are some huge plot moments foreshadowed by the third run of the show, and a few characters who could yet return to shake the world up once more. 

Here's everything you'll learn if you don't have the time to plough through the season all over again.

12. Gendry

Somewhere out there, at an undisclosed location deep in the tropics of the Known World, Benjen Stark and Gendry are leaning back and sunning themselves on a beach with a frosty ale and suckling pig on the fire.


Gendry was last spotted rowing away from Melisandre's clutches with a little help from the noble Ser Davos, and to this day, nobody has any idea whether he will re-surface.

Time is running out for him to play any sort of role in the future of the show, and while it's unlikely Gendry will make a return, fans won't let Benioff and Weiss forget that he's still out there, rowing, rowing, rowing, forevermore.
