10 Things You Need To Know Before Joining The Doctor Who Fandom

Join us! Join us!

By Dan Butler /

At some point in everyone's life, they will face one of the greatest choices known to man. And no, it's not who to vote for in the General Election! Determining which fandom to join is one of the most serious decisions one can make and it's definitely not one that should be taken lightly. You can be part of multiple fandoms, of course, but your heart(s) will always lie with one in particular which means that the process of picking one is even more difficult. Needless to say, you're not exactly stuck for choice. While the concept of 'fandom' was as alien as the Doctor back in the day, there are now more cult based communities than you can shake a timey-wimey stick at and they all have something special and unique to offer. If you're still unconvinced about which one you should join, here are 10 things you should know before devoting your life to the Doctor Who fandom. Which, by the way, you totally should. Don't let these put you off, by the way. Just take them as useful tidbits of advice to help steer you in the right direction. As you'll soon discover, Whovians really do have more fun. Allons-y!