10 Times The Walking Dead Was The Dumbest Show On TV

Now and then you'd think the 'lame brains' wrote the show

By Adam Thompson /

The Walking Dead's continued popularity is neither surprising nor difficult to explain. The idea of the zombie apocalypse is a compelling sell, and the blend of great characters and compelling high-stakes drama makes for a wonderful marriage. It's just unfortunate that there are times when the writing seems just a little silly or the plot has one too many holes. The show has never been as critically respected as The Wire or Breaking Bad and it doesn't have to be (it's just a fun show about zombies after all) but now and then it does ride uncomfortably close to cliche or flies roughshod over plot-holes as if writing integrity doesn't matter any more. It's clear that even a top rate show like The Walking Dead isn't perfect and while these moments don't necessarily detract from the quality of the show overall, they are worth pointing out. Some of the dumb moments on this list involve accidental continuity errors and plot holes, such as a revelation about the virus which is contradicted by an earlier scene. However, many could be chalked down to laziness on the part of the show's writers and directors. An example of this might be when a character is completely surrounded by zombies in one scene only to be running away without a scratch on them in the next. Those responsible for the show clearly want to pack it with plenty of tense moments but there are times when they set the bar too high and look foolish trying to get their characters out of the situations they put them in...