10 TV Losers Who Should Never Have Got The Girl

By James Brown /

It's TV, everyone finds someone eventually. But you'd be shocked about how undeserved most of these relationships are. There are some guys that should never have got the girl. Not simply because of their interests, but their personalities as well. It's amazing how many TV shows rely on the emotional immature guy for a roadblock in a relationship. It gets old. A lot of couples get together just for a happy ending. Some writers want a nice, neat ending that everyone can look back on and go "aww, wasn't that nice". But half of these relationships are completely undeserved or wholly unfaithful to the rest of the series as a whole. Well, why don't we get the ball rolling.

10. Chandler (Friends)

Chandler and Monica were a cute couple. They seem to gel really well: she€™s incredibly high maintenanced and has an addiction to cleanliness and he had a phobia of commitment and revels in his own humour. It was a match made in humour. But when they first got together, nobody saw it coming... and for good reason. Chandler has seemed emotionally insecure up until his relationship with Monica. Janice was a train wreck, yet he kept going back to her due to her infatuation with him. Kathy seemed to be a good match, but she liked to sleep around. He should€™ve seen the signs coming based on how they got into a relationship in the first place. Other than those two, he hasn€™t had any high profile relationships besides Monica. The signs were there that his relationship with Monica was doomed to be a quick fling. But she managed to keep him grounded, for the most part... I mean he did nearly run out on his wedding. Twice.