10 TV Questions That STILL Have You Confused

Can anyone explain these TV moments?

By James Egan /

Television shows have an advantage over film, since more time can be spent delving into the main narrative, subplots, and character dynamics. As a result, almost every facet of a sitcom, animated series, or drama should be well and truly explored by the time the story concludes.


However, some TV shows choose or fail to tie up loose ends, leaving one or two major character arcs, subplots, or conflicts unfinished. Now, that's not suggesting the last couple of episodes need to wrap everything up in a neat little bow; The Sopranos' ending proves ambiguity can welcome debate and discussion for years to come.

Still, leaving unresolved plot threads dangling in the air isn't just intriguing, but maddening. Some TV mysteries are deliberately vague simply to troll fans. Other times, a throwaway line creates plot holes that range from confusing to downright nonsensical, and trying to remedy specific plot-points might open up a Pandora's box of unsettled tangents, compounding the issue further.

Even though many of the television shows on this list finished years or decades ago, viewers are still waiting for certain questions to be answered.

10. What's The Waitress' Name? - It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

One of the biggest questions in any romantic story is "Will they or won't they?", but in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, there's a more profound question revolving around Charlie's romantic entanglement with The Waitress - "What the heck is her name?"


Despite being a recurring character since the pilot, The Waitress' true identity has never been revealed. Even though Charlie is infatuated with her and briefly dated her, he never refers to the love of his life as anything except "The Waitress", even when she gets a different job.

What makes this gag more ridiculous is how the rest of The Gang can't seem to recall her name, even though they've known her since high school. When The Waitress outright asks Dee to say her name, she draws a blank.

Since It's Always Sunny is still on the air, it's possible The Waitress' identity will be revealed in a future episode - after all, Mac's embarrassing full name, Ronald McDonald, was finally unveiled after seven seasons - but nevertheless, it's pretty impressive how the show has kept this mystery going for so long.
