10 Unlikely Characters Who'd Be Perfect For Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Maybe it's wishful thinking...

By Early Ray Mixon /

It's official, the Captain Pike show which fans have been demanding since he first stepped onto the bridge of Discovery has finally been announced and everyone is losing their minds with anticipation. Star Trek : Strange New Worlds is looking like a love letter to the fandom, promising to deliver on the expressed desire to see a new Trek series that's hopeful again and is actually about exploring the galaxy.


There are certain characters we can expect to see on a show like this. For instance, anyone who appeared in the original Star Trek pilot, The Cage is very likely to put in an appearance. Heck, even Vena has been trying for a long distance relationship as of Discovery. So, Doctor Boyce (please cast Jeffery Combs), Yeoman Colt and Lieutenant Tyler are all pretty much a sure thing.

Less sure, but still pretty likely are the primary characters from the original series. They are already giving us Spock but don't be surprised if Scotty, Doctor Mccoy or even Kirk drop in from time to time. Heck, this version of Pike would still be friends with Kirk's dad. Frankly I wouldn't expect he'd recommend his ship be handed over to an officer he's never worked with, so James T. Kirk is fairly high on the list.

But more fascinating than any of those possibilities are the characters who for one reason or another fall low on the list. Those characters who fans might dream to see on Strange New Worlds but probably can't reasonably expect to see. These are the type of characters which just might surprise us and show up against all odds and maybe even take center stage. Here is our list of the top ten.

10. Daniels

With time being relative, a temporal agent like Daniels could literally pop up anyplace and it would make sense. Having him come back might be just the thing to tie the show more closely to Enterprise.


One aspect of the temporal cold war, which Enterprise never really explored was that it was nonlinear. Just because Archer was there to witness the end of the conflict doesn't mean that time travelling cold warriors wouldn't still be attempting to alter the timeline all over the past and future.

That said, it also stands to reason that a version of Daniels could be active in the 23rd century. Any ship named Enterprise has a tendency to end up at the center of major events. So, for him to pay a visit to Pike and his crew makes a lot of sense.

Bringing back a time traveler like Daniels would make for some interesting stories and it would also keep the series grounded in it's roots.
