10 ‘Unsolved’ Mysteries From Lost (That Have Really Simple Answers)

Stop moaning and look closer... the answers are all here.

By Alex Leadbeater /

In one of Lost's final episodes 'The Mother' states "Every question I answer will simply lead to another question." Clearly there to warn fans they may not get totally logical solutions to the plethora mysteries they'd obsessed over for the past six years, it didn't really do its job; there was still a substantial backlash when plot threads were seemingly left untied. As someone who was hooked by the show from beginning to end I always found these criticisms a bit unjustified. Some questions would be left hanging for seasons at a time, but that€™s pretty par for the course in modern television - Game Of Thrones relishes in it. Many people who make these criticisms are those who gave up on the show somewhere around the midway point, but there€™s a sizable amount of long term fans who came away from the series feeling like nothing was answered The reason the finale didn€™t answer loads of questions was because most had already been solved; you just had to put a few pieces together. There are some out there (how Mikhail kept coming back to life and the just how Ben got Anthony Cooper to the Island) that don€™t have any satisfying solutions, but for the most part showrunners Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse did a good job of giving fans all they needed. Here are ten of those mysteries everyone moans about despite there being perfectly simple answers.

Honourable Mention - The Supply Drops And The Hurley Bird Got Answers (Eventually)

There were naturally some long standing mysteries that never got a mention beyond their initial set up, which naturally led to some fans being pretty peeved. When it became apparent people were only half pleased with a character based ending the writers made a short epilogue that gave confirmation to several mysteries fans had assumed the answers to; the €˜Hurley€™ bird was genetically engineered by the Dharma Initiative and the supply drops continued as they€™d never been told to stop. Had it not been for that these could quite easily have popped up on this list; the answers were pretty obvious.