10 ‘Unsolved’ Mysteries From Lost (That Have Really Simple Answers)

10. Who Was In Jacob€™s Cabin?

CabinThe Mystery: Back when Jacob was a name we€™d only heard a couple of times, the biggest piece of info we had on him was his cabin. First used in The Man Behind The Curtain as a way for Ben to trick John Locke, it became apparent there was an actual magical force present. Things got more complicated in Season 4 - it was home to the vision of Christian Shephard and some other mysterious being - but fans were willing to go with it. Once it was revealed Jacob had been living in the foot of the four toed statue the whole, we had to ask; what was up with the cabin. The Simple Solution: It was The Man In Black. Early on in Season 6 we got confirmation the visions of Christian Shepherd on the Island had been the smoke monster the whole time, so that means for at least half of our visits the cabin had been his home. Once you accept that it€™s not too difficult to extrapolate everything there was The Man In Black; much of the cabin dweller€™s involvement was manipulating John to move the Island, which directly led to Jacob€™s death. The ash circle must have been added by Jacob at some point between the monster being stopped at the sonar fence in Left Behind and the cabin€™s first appearance.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.