10 Most Violent Shows On TV

By Mary Parr /

I tend to think of myself as a bit of a connoisseur of violent television. When writing this article I found myself burdened with too many potential choices so I decided to limit it to shows currently on TV. This made me realize that we lost a lot of violent shows recently. Serial killer drama Dexter ended less than two months ago as did the incredibly violent, incredibly good Breaking Bad. Most depressingly, back in April we lost the mother of all violent shows, Spartacus, which is probably the most deadly show to have ever aired on TV. But that is not to say there is no violent programming on television. Network television seems to have relaxed their standards for violence on primetime programming and it seems as if cable shows attempt to combat this on making their shows more violent than the network television shows would allow. Because of both these factors along with the ever expanding choice of television programming means that there are so many options for violence on TV. Here are ten that are currently airing and have notable and consistent violencee. Be aware of some spoilers for the TV shows mentioned within.