10 Worst Ever Starships In Star Trek

You know how much we love our starships here. Now why did these have to go and spoil our fun?

By Sean Ferrick /

It's fairly well established that we here on TrekCulture are fans of ships. One only needs to take a glance at certain presenters' model collections to get a handle on the depths of depravity they will go to - playing with ships, we mean. Yes. Of course.


Every ship is sacred, in their own special way. That doesn't mean that they are free from critique, or general criticism, or even the horrified reactions of eyeballs that simply weren't prepared.

What is that thing?! Why does it have that on top? What is happening here?

All valid questions for some of these beasts, no matter how beautiful some may believe them to be. A ship with a configuration with more or less than two nacelles? 

Witchcraft, we say. Sheer and utter witchcraft. 

10. Freedom Class

The Freedom-class ship, originally designed to float through space as part of the ruined Wolf 359 fleet, was another example of kitbashing. It borrowed elements from the Ambassador and Galaxy-class ships, resulting in a flying saucer with a single nacelle to power it all. 


As a broken, battered ship in a graveyard, the Freedom-class earns every point for effectiveness. As an operational starship, it's harder to make that claim. While Lower Decks used the design to great comedic effect, that only served to highlight its weak design.

Had the Freedom-class remained a ghost ship, derelict and destroyed, then it would be a fun curio. However, it was also an evolution of the earlier Saladin-class, which also served as the inspiration for the future (past) Archer-class as well. It was an example of a joke that went on too long while reminding us all that the weaker the ship's design, the more likely its quick and painful death would be.
