10 Worst TV Shows To Launch This Decade

The scrap metal from a golden age of TV.

By Shaun Davis /


This decade has seen some belters grace our screens: from shows that have already developed into long and worthy slogs (Game Of Thrones), blinding one season wonders (The Pacific), and Netflix stealing the crown (House Of Cards, Daredevil), suffice to say the golden age is still gleaming.


But the studios don't always get it right, and for every cheer over Jon Snow taking out a foe, or face in hand reaction to an unforgettable finale - Homeland Season One, still slaying us to this day - there will be expletives hurled at a majorly missed opportunity (Napoleon Dynamite), eyes rolled at some faux horror (Hemlock Grove) and sleep induced by tired shows still doing the rounds (CSI: Cyber, so bad). This is the nature of the beast: for every great show, there will more than likely be a handful of bad ones produced alongside it. It's up to us as viewers to tune in and, if terrible, tune out before another season gets green lit.

Some of these series are still running, others are thankfully long cancelled. What remains is the overall consensus that they well and truly sucked.


10. 2 Broke Girls


Producer Michael Patrick King was destined to be given his own show. This is, after all, the man that scripted episodes of Cybill, Will & Grace, and Sex & The City with a camp savvy.

However, despite there being warning bells that his talent was on the wane when he helmed SATC's second movie, CBS kept the faith and let him realise his dream project: 2 Broke Girls.


Set in Brooklyn, the show centres on mismatched heiress, Caroline Channing (Beth Behrs), and gobby poverty expert Max Black (Kat Denning) as this pair take their chances waitressing at a grimy diner. Drawing much of its criticism for relying heavily on stereotyping - Oleg the perverse Ukrainian, a thudding case in point - and sex gags, each episode is an exercise in set 'em up and knock 'em down gags and excessive canned laughter.

Disappointing, given the talent behind it, this show is just plain broke. Sort it out CBS.
