10 WTF TV Moments You Won’t Believe They Got Away With

Would anyone today put Brass Eye on TV? Of course not.

By Stephanie Farrell /

Channel 4When something controversial, bizarre or shocking graces your tellybox, do you change the channel? Or even shut it off? No, of course you don't; the last thing you want to do is look away. That's why the most WTF TV moments - even those discussed in hushed whispers - experience a special kind of longevity, still frequently referenced and remembered decades after their initial run. True, there have been many moments of this variety to send the outraged and disgusted crying to Ofcom over the years - ecstasy trial Drugs Live, nineties magazine show The Word and anarchic black comedy Brass Eye to name just a few. But controversial TV doesn't always have to be morally divisive, or mouth-agape awkward, or abrasive satire. The spooky and the strange have also caused their fair share of upset, with legendary faux-documentary Ghostwatch and Derren Brown's Seance ranking as some of the most complained about shows of all time. The US has also brought us some of the most WTF television to ever elicit such a response: would anybody's mind ever be the same again after being exposed to the likes of Wonder Showzen? One episode of this very adult parody of children's TV features a short cartoon with a dog delivering a baby - by clawing her stomach open to perform a cesarean. It gets worse: he then impregnates her again. And then there's the animated faux-reality TV show Drawn Together, loosely parodying well-known cartoon characters so wickedly that you'll never view Disney princesses and Pokemon characters in the same way again. There's your childhood not just ruined, but utterly obliterated. Whether they're controversial, offensive or just plain odd, the following ten shows and their most WTF moments fought their way through the censors to shock, outrage and challenge - or, in some cases, simply freak us the hell out.