12 Small Details You Only Notice Rewatching Gilmore Girls

The little details hidden underneath the snappy dialogue.

By Angus Castle /

Gilmore Girls is endlessly rewatchable and right now, admist the heart of fall/winter season, there's no better time to bring out the box set and re-live the quaint series. The mother-daughter show has always had a comforting atmosphere to it, whether it's the natural sense of community within Stars Hollow, the beautiful scenary of autumn leaves or Rory and Lorelai's zest for enjoying the simple pleasures of life - movie nights, take out dinners, participation in local events etc.


But Gilmore Girls is more than just a simple look into small town life. It provided us with some of the most potent and heartwrenching drama, whether it was Lorelai's fragile relationship with her parents or Rory's turbulent love life. But the tension was always levelled out by some charming light relief, without either genres ever clashing against each other.

The producers of the show liked to add their own in-jokes or subtle flourishes which perhaps only the cast and crew would understand. Gilmore Girls, obviously, is not meant to be an overly complex show but it is certainly not without its hidden details that often go by unnoticed.

12. Lorelai's Dollhouse

One of the longest running themes of Gilmore Girls was Lorelai rebuilding her fragile relationship with her parents. She hated her childhood - raised by a strict mother with such high expectations, and a distant father. Despite all the vitriol that was passed down by Emily, Lorelai loved one thing about her upbringing - her dollhouse, and it's had quite a history within the series.


In the season six episode "Welcome to the Dollhouse", Emily is selling many of Lorelai's old possessions and insists she pick up her dollhouse from the Gilmore residence before it gets donated to charity. Later, Richard delivers it with the main intention that he can talk to Lorelai about Rory. Further into the series, when Jackson is recovering from chicken pox at Lorelai's house, he accidentally breaks it.

However, long before the events of her dollhouse, it made a little appearance in Kim’s Antiques in the season five episode “A House is Not A Home”, within the twenty percent off section.

On a side note (contrary to popular belief), Monica from Friends did NOT inherit the same doll's house from a family member.
