12 Times BoJack Horseman Was A TERRIBLE Friend

He did not deserve the loyalty of others.

By Scott Banner /

One of the most important aspects of creating a compelling character that audiences can connect with is making them flawed. In the real world, nobody is perfect, so viewers become unable to believe or relate to characters that are portrayed as such.


BoJack Horseman certainly embraced this, making every one of its characters flawed in big ways, but with the titular character, the show may have gone too far the other way. Though he was certainly no angel at the start of the series, he was little more than a bit of a d*ck. By the end of season six, he had become one of the worst TV protagonists of all time.

Though audiences still found a way to root for him, there is no denying he was a horrible person. He made many mistakes throughout the span of the show, and though he genuinely tried to make a better person of himself towards the end, he couldn't erase the actions of his past.

There are far too many examples of BoJack treating his so-called 'friends' like crap to count, but some of them are far worse than others. He truly was a terrible, terrible friend.

12. He Sabotaged Todd's Rock Opera

BoJack's involvement with Todd's rock opera, with the exception of a scathing early reaction to it, began with good enough intentions. He wanted to prove that he could be nicer to Todd after treating him poorly for the previous five years, and saw this as a perfect opportunity.


There was a moment throughout the process when the two truly connected over the project, and BoJack became genuinely invested. They made such progress with the opera, and made it so much better, that they even managed to make an impression on the biggest name in the rock opera business, Virgil Van Cleef.

However, BoJack soon got scared that Todd's success would separate the two of them, giving his friend the opportunity to get to a place in his life where he didn't have to sleep on someone else's couch anymore. In response to his fear of being alone, BoJack exploited Todd's addiction to video games, sabotaging Todd so that he couldn't work on the opera before their big pitch.

He may have done it because he didn't want Todd to leave him, but this was a selfish act from BoJack that may well have cost Todd a much better life for himself.
