12 Times BoJack Horseman Was A TERRIBLE Friend

11. He Missed Todd's Improv Graduation

Bojack Horseman Sarah Lynn Death

As something of a spoiler for this list, there is a LOT of BoJack Horseman being a dick to poor Todd Chavez. It's amazing that the latter stuck by the former for so long, and put up with how he was treated.

After being sceptical about his friend joining an improv group he believed to be a cult (the fact that he ended up being right is irrelevant), BoJack knew how important Todd's graduation was to him. As sad as it is, Todd never had many chances to celebrate any achievements in his life, and he wanted to share this with his friends.

Instead of making the effort to go however, BoJack made the selfish decision to ignore Todd, instead travelling across the country to visit Charlotte in New Mexico. If it was just that BoJack missed the ceremony, it would have been bad enough, but he knew just how much this meant to his friend, and how much Todd wanted him there.

This wasn't out of the ordinary for the character, as throughout the series he constantly put his own thoughts, feelings, and self-interests above those of his friends.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.