13 Awful TV Shows Star Trek Actors Want Us To Forget

Soft core shenanigans! Short lived sitcoms! The interminable, inexplicably unstoppable Ryan Murphy!

By Cathal Gunning /

It’s fair to say that Star Trek’s many spin-off series have varied in quality since Gene Rodenberry’s iconic original show debuted in the sixties. Some have been superb, such as the nineties continuation The Next Generation, whilst others have been, well, Voyager.


Nonetheless, despite the franchise’s inconsistency, there’s no denying that even the most disappointing Star Trek series have featured fantastic casts. Whether it’s the classic pairing of hammy William Shatner and the deadpan Leonard Nimoy in the original show, the charm of Patrick Stewart’s Picard and his right-hand man Riker, or Deep Space Nine’s heroic Sisko, every new addition to the Trek canon has boasted an impressive thespian line up.

As for the careers of these actors pre- and post-Star Trek?

Well, there may be some blockbusters on their CVs, but almost every Star Trek star has at least one pretty embarrassing TV appearance to their name, no matter how impressive their acting talents. So, solid as their work in respective Trek series may be, today we’re here to count down some of the more mortifying shows hidden in the lengthy IMDB listings of the franchise’s stars.

13. Scott Bakula - Eisenhower And Lutz

Beloved by sci fi fans not only for his role as Enterprise captain Archer but also for his fine work as the protagonist of Quantum Leap, there’s not a lot of shameful series filling TV hero Scott Bakula’s screen CV. The star continues to appear in everything from Chuck to NCIS, but hard as it may be to believe, he did once struggle to keep a show afloat.


That show was an extremely short-lived (thirteen episode-long) and now all-but-forgotten father-son lawyer sitcom, Eisenhower and Lutz, which aired in 1988—only to be swiftly forgotten by TV viewers the world over, freeing Bakula to pursue some more impressive and longer lasting projects.
