13 Inspirational Quotes From Each Incarnation Of Doctor Who

Speaking words of wisdom.

By Christie D. Inman-Hall /

Fans love to cite their favourite Time Lord. Be it in every day conversation, on a forum, in a tweet or in an academic essay, yet one of the most useful times to use the words of the Doctor is when you (or someone close to you) needs a little helpful pick me up. The Doctor has said some truly inspirational things throughout his many incarnations - many of which remain in the collective consciousness of the Doctor Who fandom to this day. Each regeneration of the Doctor has been stoic, poetic and moving to varying degrees and it's these moments of clarity that serve to help him seem, at times, the most human character on the show... in spite of his Gallifreyan heritage! With each new regeneration of the Time Lord fans are treated to a new face, a new personality and a new set of motivational, inspirational and moving lines to look forward to. Each Doctor is certainly different from the last and some are more verbose than others. What remains certain, however, is that the Doctor is ultimately a man who can see the beauty in the mundane and the absurd in the beautiful. The Doctor is a man that never ceases to know just what to say to someone when they need a kick in the trousers. The Doctor excels in giving ordinary people the feeling of being extraordinary. Read on to see some of the Doctor's greatest motivational moments to date.