15 Questions We Need Answering About 2016's Most Anticipated TV Shows

It's the most wonderful time of the year (for TV).

By James Hunt /

2016 has already been another great year for TV, but much like on the big screen it's had to endure a rather lacklustre summer season.


Game of Thrones had a near-best run with Season 6, but that came to a close at the end of June. Preacher is one of the most outrageously enjoyable shows of the year, and Stranger Things has blown up the internet. Outside of that, though, it's been rather lacking: Mr Robot and UnREAL have both struggled to repeat the successes of last year, The Night Of started promisingly but then died off, and countless other shows were barely even noticed (Feed The Beast, anyone?).

However, TV may have just been saving itself as it gears up for its busiest time of year: Fall (or autumn to us Brits). There's a huge amount of exciting, hugely anticipated shows left to come in 2016 - both intriguing new series and returning favourites - that should ensure the year goes out on a major high.

Some of the returnees left unresolved plot points in their wake, while mystery surrounds a number of the new shows as well, meaning that as we head into the most important time of the year for television, we've got a lot of questions about the biggest shows still to come.

15. What Is The New World? - The Man In The High Castle

While Amazon haven't managed to reach Netflix levels yet (in terms of hype or quality), they are getting closer, and no show represents that as much as The Man In The High Castle, which was its most watched series to date when it aired last year.


While the high concept of the show - an alt-reality world where the Axis forces won World War II - means that there's a sense of mystery and intrigue running throughout, Season 1's ending provided the biggest question.

Tagomi heads to Union Square to mediate with Juliana's necklace, and when he opens his eyes he appears to be in an alt-world (of an alt-world) where the Allied forces won the war. Is this the real life world we're seeing? Is there another twist? Is he actually transported there, or is it a vision/dream, and if the latter, can he find a way there?
