19 Signs You're Not A Real Doctor Who Fan

It's not easy being a Whovian.

By Dan Butler /

Doctor Who has become so popular in recent years that it feels like everybody and their mother is now a self-confessed fanatic. Most are out and proud about their admiration for what was once a publicly shunned part of cult history while others remain closeted with their undivided devotion for TV's favourite Time Lord. And then there are the ones who think they're fans and they're just... well, really not. Because watching one episode doesn't just make you a dedicated devotee overnight, you know. As with most things in life, there are certain boxes one must tick to be classed as a bonafide Doctor Who fan. There are the obvious stereotypical traits required, such as social awkwardness and the inability to distinguish between what's fact and fiction, but otherwise the journey to being lauded as a coveted member of the show's ever growing community is a long and winding road full of timey-wimey trials and tribulations. Luckily, we're here to make sure you're on the right track (and you can thank us for that later!). Here are 18 signs that you're going about things the wrong way. Everyone is welcome in our big, dysfunctional Doctor Who fandom family but you'll never be classed as a real fan if...