20 Places In London That Every Doctor Who Fan Needs To Visit

A journey through tube and chave.

By Nina Van Herck /

During its 50 year run on our television screens, the Doctor has taken us on many adventures to strange new planets, a few already known about, and some fantastic undiscovered new worlds. Fans have accompanied him to Mars (which put us off water for quite a while), wandered through parallel universes and finally got a first glimpse of his home planet Gallifrey. Saying that having a time machine that can travel anywhere in space and time does not seem to stop the Doctor from traveling to London once in a while. Whether he finds himself in Elizabethan or modern day London, there seems to be an awful lot going on there. It's not recommended visiting during the Christmas period, however. Besides Oxford Street being inundated with Christmas shoppers, many alien races do seem to find this a particularly attractive time to invade as well. It€™s probably a good thing most Londoners are too busy ordering double chocolate Frappuccino€™s with unicorn sprinkles to notice. While it might be a bit difficult to visit Apalapucia or Demon€™s run without a TARDIS on hand, now you can follow in the Doctor€™s footsteps through this wonderful and vast metropolis called London. Here are 20 landmarks in the capital city that every Doctor Who needs to visit. Let's begin our journey through tube and chave!
