Doctor Who is acclaimed for introducing a never ending plethora of formidable foes to its menagerie of momentous monsters but sometimes the scares are a lot closer to home. In fact, its writers don't even have to journey to the furthest realms of the Medusa Cascade to send their audiences quivering behind the sofas these days. All they have to do is turn the most ordinary household object into a demonic death machine and they're guaranteed to traumatise an entire generation. Just look at the Daleks, for example. They're weapon of choice is a plunger, for God's sake. Let's face it, though, none of us would have it any other way. It's part of Doctor Who's unique appeal to highlight the extremities of everyday life and it would be doing something wrong if it wasn't giving its fans an irrational fear of... well, just about everything, really. Whether it's statues, buses or that crack in the wall that keeps getting bigger, Doctor Who is at its best when it's sending unlikely shivers down your spine and, to all intents and purposes, Steven Moffat is mostly to blame. Here are 22 ordinary things that, thanks to Doctor Who, all of its fans are now completely terrified of. Basically, run...