26 Genuine WTF Moments From Doctor Who

From burping bins to promiscuous paving slabs.

By Dan Butler /

Nobody can say that Doctor Who is realistic. It's a show about time travel, for starters, and then there's it's protagonist who is a 2,000 year old alien from outer space... Even so, it's a popular premise that generally makes sense within the context of its own pre-established mythology. Only sometimes it doesn't. A show that's been running for over 50 years and 800 episodes must be doing something right but not even the ongoing liaisons of TV's favourite Time Lord are perfect. They come pretty close, but they're not quite there yet. Since its acclaimed revival in 2005, the series has tried its damned hardest to leave its unique lasting impression on British TV. Its far reaching format is guaranteed to get people talking and usually it's the Earth-shattering storylines that result in the show becoming one of the most hotly debated trending topics on the interweb. Sometimes, though, it's because the entire nation has been left confused and perplexed by what they've just witnessed. Doctor Who has shocked, frustrated and downright p*ssed us off over the last 10 years and here are just 26 of its most genuine WTF moments to date. Pick your jaw up off the floor and get reading...
