29 Real World Problems That Doctor Who Fans Face Daily

Whaddaya mean the TARDIS isn't real?!

By Dan Butler /

Life is hard enough at the best of times but it's even more difficult when you're a Doctor Who fan. Although being a self-proclaimed devotee of TV's favourite Time Lord is as prestigious as accolades tend to come, the honour of calling yourself a Whovian doesn't come without its timey-wimey trials and tribulations. In fact, it's only because being part of one of the world's biggest and most diverse fandoms is such a worthwhile experience that most of us have even bothered to stay in it at all. As Martha Jones once wisely pointed out, the Doctor's M.O. involves dropping out of the sky and saving the world but what about the people who get left behind? The rest of us have to deal with real life in all its unpredictably and, thanks to our hero's ongoing liaisons through time and space, it's now even harder to do that than it used to be. With that in mind, here's our rundown of 29 real world problems that Doctor Who fans find themselves facing on a day to day basis. Don't worry, though, because if Doctor Who has taught us anything, it's that you've got to be ready for anything and always expect the unexpected. The Master is now a woman, for God's sake, and it doesn't get more unexpected than that. As you'll soon see, however, Missy is the least of our worries...